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Showing posts from May, 2020

Gender (in)Equality

Acc. to UNICEF, Gender Equality means: Women and men, and girls and boys, enjoy the same rights, resources, opportunities and protections.  Gender which is not limited to but have become today. Any sort of discrimination or offence is not seen against an individual but against particular gender i.e. women. Sticking just to Indian boundaries, principle of Gender Equality is enshrined in Indian Constitution: a vehicle on which the nation runs.  • Article 15(1): No discrimination against any citizen on ground of religion, caste, sex etc. • Article 15(3): Comes with a positive discrimination regarding state to make special provisions for women and children. • Article 42: State to make provisions for securing just and human conditions of work and maternity relief. • Article 51-A(e): Renounce practices derogatory to dignity of women • Article 243-D: Reservation of seats for women in Panchayat, Municipalities. Etc. Other laws which are made under the supervision of Constitution to ensure