Section 320 of Indian Penal Code deal with offences related to body as regard to ‘grievous hurt’. It doesn’t cover all kinds of hurt. Only following kinds of hurt are termed as “grievous”: 1. Emasculation : This clause is confined to males only. It means depriving a male of masculine vigour, i.e. to render a man impotent. This clause was inserted to counter to counteract the practice common in this country for women to squeeze men’s testicles on the slightest provocation. 2. Injury to Eyesight : The test of gravity is the permanency of the injury caused to one eye or both eyes. 3. Deprivation of Hearing : It may be with respect to one ear or both ears. To attract this clause the deafness caused must be permanent. 4. Loss of Limb or Joint : The expression used in is section is deprivation of any member, section or joint, crippling a man with life-long misery. The term member is used to mean nothing more than an organ or a limb. 5. Impairing of Limb : Disabling is ...