Section 320 of Indian Penal Code deal with offences related to body as regard to ‘grievous hurt’. It doesn’t cover all kinds of hurt. Only following kinds of hurt are termed as “grievous”:
1. Emasculation:
This clause is confined to males only. It means depriving a male of masculine
vigour, i.e. to render a man impotent.
This clause was inserted to counter to counteract the practice common in
this country for women to squeeze men’s testicles on the slightest provocation.
2. Injury
to Eyesight: The test of gravity is the permanency of the injury caused
to one eye or both eyes.
3. Deprivation
of Hearing: It may be with respect to one ear or both ears. To attract
this clause the deafness caused must be permanent.
4. Loss
of Limb or Joint: The expression used in is section is deprivation of
any member, section or joint, crippling a man with life-long misery. The term
member is used to mean nothing more than an organ or a limb.
5. Impairing
of Limb: Disabling is distinguishable from disfiguring as discussed in
the sixth clause. To disfigure means to cause some external injury that detracts
a person’s personal appearance. It may not weaken him. On the other hand, to
disable means to do something creating a permanent disability and not a mere
temporary injury.
6. Permanent
disfiguring of Head or Face: In Gangaram v. State of Rajasthan, where
the bridge of the nose was cut, as the injury was inflicted by a sharp-edged
weapon, it was held that the act amounted to permanent disfiguration within the
meaning of this clause and hence the injury was ‘grievous’.
7. Fracture
or dislocation of a bone or tooth: A fracture, in order to attract this
clause, must extend to the inner surface. If the act results only in abrasion
and does not break the bone, it will not be a fracture.
8. Dangerous Hurt: The hurt which causes severe bodily pain for the period of twenty days means that a person must be unable to follow his ordinary pursuits.[i]
*Other provisions relating to Grievous Hurt under the Code.
Section 322: Voluntarily
causing grievous hurt.
Section 326: Voluntarily causing grievous hurt by dangerous weapons or means.
Section 325: Punishment for grievous hurt. whoever except in the case provided for by Section 335,
voluntarily causes grievous hurt, shall be punished with imprisonment of either
description for a term which may extent to 7 years, and shall also be liable to
This offence is
Cognizable, Bailable, Compoundable and triable by any magistrate.
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